To build vital bonds and potentiate integration, Charey facilitates weekly accessible drop-in groups
• BREAKTHROUGH: 5:15 pm-6:15 pm Mountain Time every Monday. This group uses EFT and other stress-relieving tools and spotlights other facilitators to help you identify, build skills, self-healing, and enjoy safe space community engagement. (Feel free to stay on for part or all of the gratitude group.) Join the group experience for only $35! Come for one, two or all three groups for the evening!

To build vital bonds and potentiate integration, Charey facilitates weekly accessible drop-in groups
• GRATEFUL SPACE: 6:15 pm- pm Mountain Time every Monday. This group focuses on exercises and sharing that inspires gratitude and well-being together and the direct experience of living into our highest potential while we celebrate ourselves and each other. (Feel free to come early and catch some or all of Breakthough) Join the group experience for only $35! Come for one, two or all three groups for the evening!

To build vital bonds and potentiate integration, Charey facilitates weekly accessible drop-in groups
• SACRED KNOWING 7:15 pm-8:45 pm Mountain Time every Monday. Charey developed this group to explore the tool of Systemic Family Constellation in order to resolve generational and other inherited trauma. This participatory process of tapping into The Knowing Field produces an embodied, visceral, visual, and experiential way to make our internal patterns conscious. From here, we learn to love, honor, and remember in a way that frees us to be ourselves. Charey also uses this method to experiment with collective or mass consciousness shifts. Join the group experience for only $35! Come for one, two or all three groups for the evening!

Relationship Enhancement (RE) skills practice group, facilitated by Charey Fox and Irini Georgas.
This group meets twice a month at the Source on Wednesday evenings, (6pm soft start-connect, grab a tea or snack and start practicing.), 6:30-8pm on the 2nd and last Wednesday of the month.
We will be convening in the meeting room across from the deck, at the Source, 1111 Carlisle Blvd SE Albuquerque, NM 87106.
This is a group for people to practice and receive coaching in skills relating to Relationship Enhancement. Beginners are welcome.
Price: $10-20 donation
Please RSVP:
Charey: 505-991-0839
Irini: 505:850-6050 irini@pazcounseling.com